
2020 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Virtual Workshop

Extreme Precision Radial Velocity

July 20-24, 2020
Hosted by The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Join us for the 20th Sagan Summer Workshop! This year we will focus on the technique of Extreme Precision Radial Velocity (EPRV) for finding and characterizing exoplanets. The recent National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Exoplanet Strategy Report highlighted EPRV as a critical technique for advancing the goal of finding and characterizing potentially habitable Earth analogs. With expected radial velocity signals that are an order of magnitude (or more) smaller than the currently best achieved results, EPRV observations are necessary to measure the masses and orbits of Earth analogs orbiting nearby stars. These nearby planetary systems are expected to be the targets for future planetary direct imaging programs with LUVOIR and HabEx in space, and the Extremely Large Telescopes on the ground. These observatories will also provide detailed spectra that require information on the planet masses in order to determine atmospheric content and the potential for habitability. This workshop will provide an introduction to the basics of the PRV technique, a summary of planet demographics from PRV surveys, and an evaluation of the importance of planet masses and orbits to imaging missions and of the challenges in advancing PRV precision by the factor of 10-30 needed to detect terrestrial analogs in orbit around nearby solar type stars.

Attendees will also participate in hands-on tutorials on extracting and measuring radial velocities from high-resolution spectra.

This will be a virtual workshop with sessions available via Zoom. We will also be using Slack for questions and answers. Additionally, some of the talks will be pre-recorded so attendees can watch them before the workshop. More information on how we will use these technologies will be coming soon.

We ask all participants to follow this Code of Conduct.

Twitter: #sagan2020

2020 Sagan Summer Workshop Attendees (click image to download full res image)

May 1 update:

The next meeting of the Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) will be held on June 18-19 as a virtual meeting. Please check the ExoPAG site for more information.

March 31 Update:

Given the current coronavirus situation and its likely evolution over the coming months, we have decided to transform the workshop into a virtual meeting. We are aiming at preserving the content and spirit of the workshop, so we hope you will still join us.

More details will be coming, but we plan to shorten the workshop to four days, July 20-23, 2020, with the online meeting taking place for a few hours earlier in the day Pacific Time. We will use Zoom and Slack for presentations, 'lunch with speakers,'' and questions, as well as Jupyter notebooks for the modified hands-on sessions. As in previous years, we will record all talks for posting on the Sagan Summer Workshop YouTube channel. We plan to pre-record some of the talks so you can view them on your own time and then shorter versions will be offered live during the week of the workshop. We also ask that you still register using the link below so that we can plan for our online attendance. You will also need to register to obtain the link and password for Zoom/Slack.

We are disappointed not to be able to welcome you to Pasadena this summer for the 20th Sagan Summer Workshop, but we want everyone to be safe and healthy. We look forward to our virtual meeting and hope you will still find it useful and effective.

Click on the following links for more information and check back for updates!

Agenda (with links to view the presentations)

Virtual Poster Session (with links to view the posters)

Registration Link (click to register)

All registrants must also register for the Zoom webinar using this link.

Even though the workshop will be a virtual meeting, we still ask that attendees register to help us plan the online portions. There is no registration fee. If your plans change after you register and you will no longer be attending, please let us know so we can have an accurate count.

Participant List (566)

Hands-on Sessions

Posters (due by July 14)

Attendees can submit a poster about their exoplanet or radial velocity-related research and also a short, pre-recorded (2 min) poster advertisement. We do not have any requirements on size, but keep in mind that posters will be viewed on computer screens. While we do not have space in the agenda for a dedicated poster session, posters will be available on a web page and attendees will be encouraged to use a Slack channel for discussions about posters.

Poster files should include your name "last_first.pdf or mp4" and be submitted through the Caltech Drop Box to the email address.

Important Dates

February 6: Registration and Financial Aid Application Available

early July: Zoom webinar information sent out to registrants, sign up for lunch with speakers

July 9: Registration deadline and deadline to submit posters (PDF and/or 2 min video poster)

Scientific Organizing Committee

Local Organizing Committee

Heather Cegla, co-Chair (Univ. of Geneva/Univ. of Warwick)

Elise Furlan (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

Chad Bender, co-Chair (University of Arizona)

Alice Hang (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

Chas Beichman (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

Ellen O'Leary (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

Eric Ford (Pennsylvania State University)

Nancy Solis (Caltech/IPAC)

BJ Fulton (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

Elise Furlan (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

Dawn Gelino (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

Andrew Howard (California Institute of Technology)

Stephanie Leifer (JPL)

Andreas Quirrenbach (University of Heidelberg)

Johanna Teske (Carnegie Observatories)

View presentations from previous summer workshops on the Sagan Exoplanet Workshop YouTube Channel. for questions or to be added to our email list for the 2020 workshop:

(last updated July 18th, 2024 16:05:23)